Middlegame Essentials 4 NOW


This is the second in a planned series of little books, aimed mainly at juniors and other novices. Though the format of this book cannot possibly cover everything you need to know about this essential part of the game of chess, it should give you a good grounding in the main elements. Topics covered include: the CENTRE; DEVELOPMENT; ATTACKING THE UNCASTLED KING and ATTACKING THE CASTLED KING; OPEN and HALF-OPEN FILES; WEAK SQUARES and OUTPOSTS; PAWN MAJORITIES; MINORITY ATTACKS; USEFUL COMBINATIONS. If you read through the material offered, and play through the games used to illustrate the key points, your game should improve markedly!



This is the second in a planned series of little books, aimed mainly at juniors and other novices. Though the format of this book cannot possibly cover everything you need to know about this essential part of the game of chess, it should give you a good grounding in the main elements. Topics covered include: the CENTRE; DEVELOPMENT; ATTACKING THE UNCASTLED KING and ATTACKING THE CASTLED KING; OPEN and HALF-OPEN FILES; WEAK SQUARES and OUTPOSTS; PAWN MAJORITIES; MINORITY ATTACKS; USEFUL COMBINATIONS. If you read through the material offered, and play through the games used to illustrate the key points, your game should improve markedly!
